Sunday, September 18, 2011

Google Docs Group Project

The name of our project is creatively named Assignment # 2.  The purpose is to explore Google Docs and how we may be able to use it in our personal or teaching lives.  Here is a link to our group project: Assignment # 2.

This project was my first experience using Google Docs, and I learned a ton. After exploring Google Docs, I used it for one of my home work assignments for Grad Sem. I loved how it automatically saved my work and that I was able to access my projects anywhere any time. 

Google Docs is great to use in education because it encourages collaboration within a group. For example, I may share my ideas and my partners may add onto to what I have written and add their own. 

I worked alongside with Jessica and Kelsie. Both had great ideas and I added to their ideas. I also shared  an example of a table that may be used to gather statistics.

I don’t consider myself an expert yet in Google docs, but so far it has been user friendly and a useful tool that I know I will continue to use.


  1. Appears you and your group members worked through the primary in's and out's of Docs. Todays discussion in class will enhance this even more.

  2. AWESOME, INCREDIBLE. You guys make a great team.
